A Ring-Side Seat to Nature’s Splendors – Auramah Valley

It’s been a most unusual year for everyone around the globe. Routines came to a standstill. Everything that needed to happen with the urgency of yesterday turned out to be stuff that could, in fact, wait another day. Or a week. Or a month. At Auramah Valley, of course, we could tell you a thing or two about time standing still. After all, what is more, timeless than the lofty mountains all around us? Unchanging, constant, yes, but never boring or monotonous.

There is a deep sense of peace you acquire just by looking at them. Never has there been a better time to sit back and reflect on the mountains as now. Allow us to tell you what the seasons have in store for the residents of Auramah Valley through the year. Lots of magic, that is for sure!

Welcoming Apple blossoms in Spring

If you are a tourist looking for a respite from the summer heat bearing down on the rest of the country, you are likely to look towards Shimla in the tourist season that falls between March and May. For residents, however, these heavenly months are more than a mere get-away from daily life: they are the start of so much magic that the seasons sprinkle all over Shimla! March and April see the winter chills give way to the first touches of summer.

This is when the apple trees bloom and what a sight it is to behold! Take a day trip from Auramah Valley to see the beautiful display of white flowers thronging the branches like the last bit of winter snow that refuses to leave. The entire mountainside comes alive with a profusion of colors as wildflowers and berries compete with each other to grab attention.

If it’s summer, this is where you should be

Shimla has always been the dream summer destination for generations of Indians for centuries. And why wouldn’t it be? At an altitude of 6300 ft, there is just enough sun to enjoy the great outdoors and the right amount of chill at night to continue enjoying that warm blanket. June and July see day time temperatures hover between 23-26⁰C and nighttime temperatures between 15-18⁰C. This is when Auramah Valley residents take full advantage of the hiking trails and superb golf course at Naldehra, just a 3km drive away.

If you have spent a summer here, you will never want to summer anywhere else! With the crisp mountain air energizing every pore of your being, you will want to be up and about; taking in everything you possibly can of this beautiful Himalayan location.

Savor the Magic of the Monsoons

Rain on the mountains is a beautiful surprise gift that comes to you with your luxury home in Auramah Valley. With the charms of summer and the splendor of winter, the monsoon season is left highly under-appreciated, is what we feel. Perhaps it is best kept a secret, to savor from the cozy nook of your private sit-out, a steaming mug of hot cocoa in hand. Watch the rains drench the mountains and splatter off the lush treetops. This is Nature at its most vibrant, every leaf a sparkling green and the earth soaked and refreshed.

The Other Side of spring

After the rich tapestry of monsoon rains, another glorious season awaits in the mountains – autumn. We almost don’t want to use the words ‘riot of colors’ again. We already said it about spring. It is almost an embarrassment of riches to talk about the show Nature puts on for us in autumn. All we can say is, it is everything you imagine and so much more. The human imagination cannot create as much variety as Nature can. And does. Up here in the mountains.

#Nofilter Winter

And finally, we arrive at everyone’s favorite part of living in the mountains – winter! To say it is magical would be an understatement. You have to be there to really know what we are talking about. First, it creeps up on you as a gentle chill in the air, and then it makes you want to reach out to warm your hands by that crackling fire. And then, before you know it, the landscape is transformed into the fairyland of your dreams as the snows take over.

It is a majestic sight that no amount of photography can do justice to. But we are certain your Insta fam will never tire of your daily updates of life in the mountains in your dream home in Auramah Valley.

Waking up to the Sun over the Mountains

So we have been talking about the changing seasons in our beautiful corner of the planet. But how can we conclude without telling you about the sunrise over the mountains? Come rain or shine, this a magical spectacle that never fails to light up your inner self. Call it positivity, call it energy, there is just something about the crimson skies over the looming mountains that makes you want to give in your best self to the day.

To set about your tasks with the greatest enthusiasm. It fills you with the calm and peace your mind has always craved. It is everything your body needs to perform at its optimal level.

For homeowners in Auramah Valley, this year has perhaps been the kindest in terms of the amount of time they got to spend in their luxurious home in the mountains. Work-from-home takes on a whole other meaning when you are snuggled into your favorite armchair, gazing out over rolling hills and taking in the essence of the Himalayas with every breath.

Living in the mountains is not just a lifestyle choice – it is the best thing you can gift yourself in terms of inner peace and an energetic body. Watching the seasons change from the comfort of a luxurious home is a blessing you earn for yourself and bestow to your children, a rare privilege that only the truly discerning can fully appreciate.

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