“ My Zen home at Auramah Valley ”

Calming your mind to achieve Zen like trance is an attractive concept that can be your reality, all for a $5 Mind Valley App subscription. It enables you to hustle even better, promising a range of other inner engineering gimmicks that are lost on me. Starting a company or even trying to figure life out when you graduate, everything is an uphill Task filled with unknown variables.

Embracing the Unknown like an ally is an art. Nefarious outcomes lurk under the garb of spiritual guidance. All is an illusion, but your inner (woefully overlooked) child still craves for a spot where you can pause, abandon all pretences and just connect. What really matters the most to you?

My home in Auramah offers me just that, a home where I can shed my doubts about the unknown and succumb to the force. The world is silent here. I am continuously reminded of the need to connect with Nature. Sustainability is the new reality we should all embrace, but how? I watched tiny village dwellings, observing the sedentary mountain lifestyle they lead. Feeding their cow, engaging in farming, routine housework – Hit check and repeat like clockwork. What about searching for more meaning?

Hit 2020 and I certainly think the pandemic has shed all my notions about stability. In Auramah, the familiar mountains, the surrounding forest, all offer me glimpses of peace and a natural equation with nature, untainted and only mine to realise. Laying wide awake in the forest, lounging on the terrace, scruffing to catch fleeting glimpses of ideas that lurk in the folds of my mind, is my new normal.

Reading boring geopolitical narratives, while my WIFI connection is always my top priority (as with any self respecting work from home Millennial) I find myself falling into a familiar rhythmed. I run into the forest, flex and plan my day. I redecorate the house again, which wall would my fireplace look best on? Scrawling on Pinterest I find French furniture weighing opulence over utility. I draw new sketches, breathe consciousness into my designs. Trivial musings give into deep introspection as the day progresses.

Work can catch on, reality can hit, the city awaits far away. What remains is your connection with Nature, the community around you and the need to question the grave imbalance abetted by our collective action.

In Auramah I can truly breathe to introspect. The forest is my guide and I’m nature’s lost child.

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